List row edit form
I have recently updated to 15.1.2 and when I needed to update a value in the list I noticed that the Edit Form get srunken down and I cannot get it to expand:
Can I do anything to make the Row window normal size? (the window loads wihtout issues, since I can tab in it and if I click enter it changes the value, but it is now very nice when I cannot see anything)
We have reported this as a bug to Nintex. We are not sure why this is happening - it is not for all lists that it occurs. Unfortunately, we have not found a way to go "around" it other than using the "Set List Value" action in order to modify the values of the record.
For me the problem occurs whent here are more that 6 columns in the list. So my guess would be that the is something wrong with the scroll bar function. It works fine if the form can fit all the edit rows in a window, however once at least one row has be be scrolled to, then it shrinks the window completely. (by row I reference columns in the edit form)
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