Foxtrot Suite v12.1.2
Improved Emulator Support
Emulators are now detected more reliably allowing projects to run without stopping.
Improved IBM iAccess (ACS) Support
This version contains improved support for the IBM iAccess (ACS) java-based emulator.
Fixed: Mouse Sequence
In previous versions, certain recorded Mouse Sequences containing a Menu Click Action would not execute properly. Editing the Mouse Sequence would reveal the Menu Click Action to have a note that read, “This step will be ignored”. The problem has been fixed and these recorded steps will now work in this version.
Fixed: Email Password
In previous versions, the Email Password store with new projects created in v11.0 or later would not work after the second time the project was opened. This problem has been fixed.
Fixed: Error Saving Long Values
In previous versions, if certain values (such as a Task Name) exceeded 255 characters, the value would fail to save with the project. This problem has been fixed.
Fixed: Error Saving Single Quotes
In previous versions, if certain values (such as a Task Name) contained a single quote character, an error would occur when saving. This problem has been fixed.
Foxtrot Suite v12.1.1
Fixed: Saving Large Projects
In previous versions, attempting to save a large project with more than 1,000 Actions may result in Error 3014. This problem has been fixed.
Foxtrot Suite v12.1
New Zoom While Targeting Option
In Preferences, the Zoom While Targeting option can be turned on to show zoom assistance while targeting.
Improved Delete Variable Action
The Delete Variable Action now accepts tokens when specifying the Variable Name to delete.
Improved FTP View
The FTP view now shows the current Folder Path of the FTP connection.
Improved PowerShell Action
The PowerShell Action is now capable of setting the value of one or more variables in the project. Read the PowerShell Action article for more information. This feature is only available in Expert mode.
Fixed: Project Conversion Bug
In previous versions, certain If Actions were not converted correctly when converting a .FSP project to the new .FOX project format. This has been fixed.
Fixed: Disabled Computer Actions
In previous versions, the project would stop running if it encountered a disabled Log Off, Reboot, or Shutdown Action. This has been fixed.
Fixed: Notes Bug
In previous versions, if a Note exceeded 255 characters in length, the note would not save and result in an error. This has been fixed.
Fixed: Loop Action
In previous versions, if a Loop Action was edited after the loop was started, the displayed loop number would not update properly. This has been fixed.
Fixed: Mouse Down and Mouse Up Actions
In previous versions, if the Mouse Recorder was used to create a Mouse Button Action, a Mouse Down and Mouse Up Action were inserted directly into the Task and would not run reliably. This has been fixed. Now when creating a Mouse Button Action, the Mouse Down and Mouse Up Actions are placed inside a single Mouse Sequence Action and run properly.
Fixed: Bug Enabling Active Directory Logins
In previous versions, Active Directory logins could not be enabled the very first time the Foxtrot Administrator application was launched. Subsequent attempts worked successfully. This has been fixed and Active Directory logins can now be enabled the first time the Foxtrot Administrator application is run.
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